Saturday, July 08, 2006

SiLozi Basics

Reflecting upon my time in Zambia several years later, I've come to think that perhaps the most important thing I "did right" was making time to learn the local language. Eventhough my siLozi never surpassed that five or six year old child, so much of my experience was defined by being able to communicate with people in siLozi. So, I thought I'd share one of the tools I used to learn lozi. Hoping that perhaps it might be useful to anybody else trying to learn to speak and understand Lozi (siLozi).

Lesson 1: Formal Dialogue

Mutozi chwani/ Kibusiwu | Good morning/ day/ evening
Mutozi chwani /Kibusiwu ima | Good morning/ day/ evening madam
Mutozi/utozi chwani? | How are you?
Ni tozi hande. Wena utozi chwani? | I am fine and how are you?
Ni inzi fela hande | I am well

Lesson 2: Greeting a Group

Mulumele Basali ni Bana | Good day ladies and gentlemen
Mulumele ime | Good day madam
Enisha Mulumela | How are you (pl)?
Lu wiinzi hande. Ulumele/Mulumele? | We are well and how are you?
Ni nzi Hande | I am well
Luitumezi | Thank you

Lesson 3: Informal Greetings

Mulumela Ndate | Good day sir
Mulumela Ima | Good day madam
Mutozi/utozi chwani? | How are you? (Formal/informal)
Ni tozi hande chwale wena utozi chwani? | I am fine and how are you?
Ni inzi fela Hande | I am fine

Lesson 4: Introducing Self/ Someone

Libizo laka kina Ashley | My name is Ashley
Libizo laka lamafelelezo kina Jones | My Last name is Jones
Kiwe na mang? | What is your name?
Ni zwa kwa Amerika | I am from America
Uzwa kakayi? | Where are you from?
Libizo la yo ki Martin | His name is Martin
Libizo lahae lamafelelezo ki Daniel | His last name is Daniel
Uzwa kwa Amerika? | Are you from America?
Ni tusa bathu | I am a volunteer

Lesson 5: Leave- Taking Expression

Na nami siya | Good-bye
Nimi siyile | See you
Mutola hande | Have a good day
Mulobale/Ulobale hande | Good night
Kakubona kamuso | See you tomorrow
Kakubona ape | See you later

Lesson 6: Vocabulary 1 (Verbs)

Kona | Able
Kuhupulitsa | Remind
Nisabile | Afraid of
Alaba | Answer
Utile | Arrive
Kupa | Ask
Na Kupa | Ask for (polite way)
Uza maile | Away, go ; travel
Ubile | Be, become
Kala ku | Begin
Nalumela | Believe, agree
Bilisa | Boil
Nakupa nika kufa | Borrow
Tisa Kwanu | Bring
Chisa | Burn
Pumbeka | Bury
Leka | Buy
Biza Mutu usili | Call another person
Nanula | Carry
Pahama | Climb
Kwala | Close
Taha | Come
Kena | Come in
Zwa | Come out (emerge)
Apeha | Cook
Lila | Cry
Bina | Dance
Kuliyeya | Delay
Sinya | Destroy
Yeza | Do
Nwa | Drink
phakela | Early
Cha | Eat
Kena | Enter
Inga | Take it
Utwa | Feel; Hear; Taste
Felize | Finish
Fumana | Find
Swalela | Forgive
Bona | To see
Zuha | Get up/ wake up
Fa | Give
Ya | Go
Kutwa hande | Happy, be
Thusa | Help
Swala | Hold
Kwiyi yeza | Injure
Beya | Keep
Ema | Stand
Kuziba | Know
Seya | Laugh
Thuta | Learn ; study
Kuhutwa | Listen
Lata | Like/ love
Wapila | Live
Ubata | Need
Kwalula | Open
Fita | Pass
Lifa | Pay
Nanula | Pick up
Beya | Place
Hana | Refuse
Kutisa | Return
Bulela | Say
Lekisa | Sell
Kula | Sick
Ina fafasi | Sit down
Lobala | Sleep
Hoha | Smoke
Bulela | Speak
Lobala | Spend the night
Siyala | Stay behind
Inga | Take
Luta | Teach
Bulela | Tell
Mabote | Tired, become
Lika | Try
Kuwutwa | Understand
Belekisa | Use
Mata | Ran
Bataa | Want
Litino | Wash (clothes)
Tapa | bathe
Bonisisa | Watch
Beleka | Work
gola | Write

Lesson 7: Some Useful Expressions

Ni utwa mabote | I am tired
Ni utwa buloko | I am sleepy
Ni twa tala | I am hungry
Ani si ka utwa tala | I am not hungry
Uya kae? | Where are you going?
Niya Kwandu | I am going home
Utaya Lilii | When are you coming?
Uyina kae? | Where is your home?
Andrew unzii kae? | Where is Andrew?
Edward uyile kwa Post office | Edward is going to the post office
Aniyi kwa shopo | I don’t go to the shop
Nayituta Silozi | I am learning Silozi ; I study
Ani nwi kofi | I don’t take coffee
Nibata kupumula | I need some rest
Na cha,Niseli ku cha | I eat ; I am eating
Achi | He doesn’t eat
Ai Tuti | She doesn’t study
Nitapa kakusasana | I bathe in the morning
Napakela kuzuha | I wake up very early
Kuseli kwaba busiwu | It’s becoming late (night fall)
Ki Nako | It’s time up
Ki bata mezi | I am thirsty
Ani yitwi | I don’t understand
Bulela Ayiyani | Speak slowly
Hape | Again
Uni swalela | Excuse me
Bulela Kamapile | Speak quickly
Una ni butata? | Do you have a problem (s)?
Eni ni na ni butata | Yes, I have a problem
Ani na butata | No, I don’t have a problem
Au na puzo | Do you have any questions?
Utwa wena | Listen
Buza | Ask
Lumelisa | Greet
Niyitumezi | Thank you

Lesson 7: Vocabulary 8 (Nouns)

Tafule | Table
Sipula | Chair
Mukeke | Plate
Komoki | Cup
Luswana | Spoon
Tipa | Knife
Lufiyelo | Broom
Mumbeta | Bed
Kubo | Blanket
Li yapalo | Clothes
Bulukwe | Pants
Likatulo | Shoes
Potoloto | Pencil
Buka | Book
Bêkê | Bag
pênê | Pen
Maali | Money
Muyako | Door

Lesson 8: Pronouns

Nna | I
Wena | You
Ene | She/ he
Luna | We/ us
Kina | It’s me
Bone | Them

Lesson 9: Connecting words

Ni | and
Kono | But
Nebi | Or
Ke | Is
Inge | As/like
Ekaba | Therefore
Ka kuli | because

Lesson 12: Questions

Ki eng? | What is it?
Utille Lilii? | When did you come?
Uzwa kae? | Where are you from?
Mutozi/Utozi chwani? | How are you?
O mang? | Who are you?
Ki efi? | Which one?
Ki afi? | Which ones?
Kingi? | Why?

Lesson 13: Commands

Kwalula muyako | Open the door
Taha kwanu | Come here
Kwala muyako | Close the door
Ema ni kubulela | Stand and talk
Ema | Stand
Kena mwahali | Get inside
Taha kwano | Come here
Utwisisa | Keep quiet/Listen
Kuta | Go back
Taha kwa pili | Come to the front
Ina fafasi | Sit down

Lesson 14: Expressing Needs

Ubata eng? | What do you want?
Nibata Candle | I want a candle
Utokwa eng | What do you need?
Ni tokwa mali | I need money
Ubata kuya Kakayi? | Where do you want to go?
Nibata kuya kwa Kwandu | I want to go home
Ubata kuyeza eng? | What do you want to do now?
Ani zibi | I do not know
Ui kutwa chwang? | How do you feel?
Toho yaka esa opa | My head still aches
Ubatela eng mali amagata? | Why does she need a lot of money?
Ubata kuleka licho ni liyapalo | She needs to buy food and clothes
Ulata kofi? | Do you like coffee?
Ani rati kofi | No. I don’t like coffee
Kamoso; kamoso o ya kae? | Where are you going tomorrow?
Ni Ka phakela kuya kwa Shops | I want to go to the shops in the morning

Lesson 15: Food Items

Licho | Food
Mabele | Sorghum
Bupi | Mealie-meal
Sukiri | Sugar
Sauti | Salt
Metsi | Water
Mabisi | Milk
Tamatisi | Tomatoes
Makwili | Potatoes
Mae | Eggs
Sinkwa | Bread
Kofi | Coffee
Tee | Tea
Litapi | Fish
Yayisi | Onions
Namunê | Orange
apole | Apple
Ndongo | Peanuts
Manawa | Beans
Nama | Meat

Lesson 16: Family

Bokuku ba bana | Grand father
Bokuku ba basali | Grand mother
Bo ndate | Father
Bo mme | Mother
Likezeli (opposite gender) | Sister ; Brother
Mulwani (elder sister/ brother) | Older sibling
Muyani (younger sister/ brother) | Younger sibling
Malumaho | Uncle (paternal)
Malume | Uncle (maternal)
Ante wakuba Ndate | Aunt (paternal)
Ante waku bo mme | Aunt (maternal)
Mwana wa bo Malume nebi bo Ante | Cousin
Bashemi | Parents
Ba nana | Child/Children
Lusika | Family

Lesson 17: Adverbs of Time

Kachenu | Today
Maabane | Yesterday
Kamuso | Tomorrow
Maloba a maabane | The day before yesterday
Maloba | Few days ago
Sunda ye | This week
Sunda yeyi felile | Last week
Sunda yetaha | Next week
Silimo se | This year
Silimo sesi felile | Last year
Silimo sesi taha | Next year
Kweli ye | This month
Nako ye | At the moment
Kanako yetaha | Later on; earlier on
Busihu | At night
phakêla | In the morning
Musiyali | At noon (till sunset)
Manzi bwana | Around sunset

Lesson 18: Days Activities

Nizuile ka 6 phakela | I wake up at 6am
Neni ta pile | I bathed
Ape nani chile | And then I eat.
Seniya kwa sikolo | Then I go to school
Nanzi kwa sikolo nako kaufela | I spent the day at school
Luyeza zezigata kachenu | we were doing a lot of things today
Ne kutile ba polisa kulu potela | There were visitors from the Police
Nenuwutwile hande kachenu | I was excited today
Ani kakuta kwa sikolo | When I come back from school

Lesson 19: Vocabulary 3 (Names of Places)

Ndu | House
Mwasikolo | Classroom
Simbuzi | Toilet
Kwa ba pehela | Kitchen
Sikolo | School
Sipatela | Hospital
Sipatela | Clinic
Shopo | Shop
Kwa mwag’olo | Post office
Nuka | River
Siimu | Field
Kêrêkê | Church
Banka | Bank
Kuta | Customary court

Lesson 20: Asking for Prices

Ki bo kae? | How much is a bag of oranges?
Ki bokae? | How much is it?
Ki K4000 | It’s K4000
Orange ye ki bokae? | How much is each orange?
Elilimu ki K1000 | They are K1000 each
Kaufela ona ki bokae? | What’s the total price?
Mali kaufela ki K8000 | The total price is K8000

Lesson 21: Weather

Kachenu ku batile | Today it is cold
Kachenu ku chisize | Today it is hot
Kufutumalile | It is warm
Kuna Lizazi | It is sunny
Kuna ni Moya | It is windy
Kachenu kwiinzi hande | Today it is better
Akuchisa | Summer
Akubata | Winter

Lesson 22: Health Expressions

Anihi kutwi hande | I am not well
Nini toha | I have a head ache
Mwamba muna nibutuku | My tummy hurts
Meto ani ni butuku | His eyes are sore
Franco o ya kwa sipatela | Franco is going to the clinic
Nayile kubona Dokota | She/ he went to see the doctor
Mauwutu aluluyile | Her leg is swollen
Uchile zezimaswe | Seems he ate something bad
Ba bata kuya kwa sipatela | They want to go to the clinic

Lesson 23: Safety Expressions

Nitu se | Help me
Nibata unitu se | I need help
Nebaninetile,Bani nata | I have been attacked, I am being attacked.
Ba uzwize mwandu yaka | My house has been broken into.
Ba uzwiza mwandu | There has been theft in my house.
Bani amuyi likaTaha Kwanu | I have been robbedCome here

Most of this was adapted from Thank you!

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